

This adventure encompasses many challenges, raising funds for common objectives such as cancer research, and the improvement and care of the patients themselves, there is a long way to go...
... and if there is a way that represents our culture, that is the Camino de Santiago, more than ever we must extol our culture, gastronomy, places, our people, because we are a wonderful country,
and get up, with OPTMISM.



In this great adventure that Anabel undertakes, the sick person and their recovery process is the center from different points of view, since both the disease and its overcoming depend on different physical, mental and mental variables, integrated into a whole and, as such, interdependent. With her and with her itinerary we all feel identified in one way or another, as affected, relatives or friends, and not only because of the disease itself and its consequences but because "Living is Urgent" it is the journey of connection and acceptance that we all need, in a world that makes us feel incomplete and separate. #CONNECTION: With oneself, with the suffering of others, with nature and animals, gratitude, appreciation, present moment.

The journey includes 6 countries and 4,500 physical km of pedestrian route from Palestine to Santiago de Compostela, within different routes of the Camino de Santiago and an incalculable distance of internal travel.

The journey of the mind that helps the body.

Because the state of our mind greatly helps recovery processes.

Anabel has decided to LIVE, and the warrior inside her does not let fear paralyze her, she has chosen to learn to manage the forces of her body, mind and spirit.

#optimism #strength #encouragement #acceptance #self-compassion #spirituality #nutrition #bodymind #therapy #emotions #exercise #medicine

The journey of the mind that helps the body.

At different stages, sick people (whether oncological or affected by other types of diseases), survivors or relatives, will walk next to Anabel to tell us their story. Everything will make up a documentary, which will be donated free of charge to different institutions. You will be able to follow our experiences live through Streaming and RRSS.

#Reflection #empathy #affection #friendship #solidarity #experiences #support

Nature's journey: The reunion with the environment.

We feel an innate affinity with nature and when we lose that connection we suffer because it is very important for our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health.

#sostenibilidad #gaia #senderos #montañasyvalles #agua #etnografia #duccionestres #mejorainmune #menosansiedad #animo #agradecimiento #entorno #mindfulness

The journey of Culture.

If there is a path that represents our culture, that is the Camino de Santiago from its origin, Palestine. Anabel has designed an innovative and little-known route from Santiago, around Vía Francigena, since it is also the central route inside a dense network of itineraries traveled by pilgrims to reach, over the centuries, the three main goals, the three major Christian pilgrimages: Rome, Santiago and Jerusalem.

#holyyears #spain #santiago #heritage #architecture #gastronomy #tourism #placesandpeople #italy #france #switzerland #england #spain #visibility

The journey of our fellow “pilgrims”

In this adventure, in which we put the center in the person's recovery process from different points of view, we cannot forget our four-legged travel companions because they improve our lives and open our hearts.

Anabel will travel accompanied by a very special pilgrim, Pancho, who will help her transmit the therapeutic power of dogs.

#dog therapy #pure love #patience #company #joy #tranquility #protection

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